Creating Community
Our Mission Statement:
To promote Self-Empowerment through developing an awareness of one’s True Self, with unlimited possibilities. To enable each person the opportunity to live in harmony with All There Is. Everyone has an intimate relationship with the Universe, regardless of their conscious understanding of that fact. Extending this mission to the community, we can create prosperity, a healthier society and peace for all. The planetary needs for war will decline.
A world at peace is a place where it is possible for everyone to have an opportunity to thrive. A place where everyone has a role to play – everyone and everything is interconnected – the principle of Oneness.
Our outreach programs will include networking with other like-minded persons and organizations to broaden this perspective, become more inclusive, and create more access for Self- Empowerment for all. We are seekers of the Truth. The Truth that sets us free to be all we can be. The Truth that has boundless ways of promoting an Extraordinary Life. Self-Empowerment by its very nature is inclusive of all!
We can share hope, guidance, and activities to make this interactive path enjoyable and inspirational. If you interested in networking on similar goals and projects, please contact me by using this website’s Contact page.
“Together, let us develop a Like-Minded Community. Your input is important!”
Organizational Structure under Development:
- An Educational Foundation
- Promoting and publishing books and materials
- Facilitating classes that meet the agenda of the Mission Statement
- Magical programs that are theme-based for self-empowerment
- Networking and supporting like-minded individuals and organizations
- Outreach programs that support peace within our community
- Holistic health approaches
- Relevant current topics review, i.e. gaining consensus on human goals.