Using Abraham Maslow’s Perspective for Finding Common Ground
Using Abraham Maslow’s Perspective for Finding Common Ground Charles “Al” Huth The strife in our country is harmful and deadly. Distrust, hate, misinformation, and conspiracy theories are displayed on social media and featured in conversations with friends and family. Many things appear to be out of kilter and conflicted. The
Pieces to Peace
by Reverend Susan Eby Far too many children grow up under unthinkable circumstances. I am one of them. I first ran away from home when I was five; I first tried to commit suicide when I was twelve. I tried everything I could think of, attempting to end the physical,
Common Distractions from Your True Self
By Charles “Al” Huth There are a multitude of distractions that could be encountered when attempting to reach one’s full potential and enjoy a harmonic life in adulthood. Abandonment issues create conditions that limit one’s ability to totally love another. Children who suffered the loss of a parent or loved
Which Voice is This?
by Mark E. Gibson MA, CLC When you inner voice speaks to you, you probably “hear” things like: “I’m not going to give it to him because he doesn’t deserve it.” “What should I do now?” “Why is she such a jerk?” “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” “I don’t
Truth is the Path to
by Mark E. Gibson Freedom Heaven on Earth Peace of mind Deep love Acceptance Consciousness Reality Salvation Alignment Knowledge Happiness Balance Health Wisdom Oneness with God What effect would your un-truthfulness/dishonesty have on your quest to attain these qualities? Mark E. Gibson MA, CLC is a certified life coach who
Finding Yourself in the Fog of Illusion
by Charles “Al” Huth Once upon a time we were born, and everything was new. We focused on our need to sustain life. Our innate fears were falling and loud noises. We cried when we were hungry or uncomfortable. We reached out to our new environment for warmth, protection and
The Philosophy of Giving Up
by Charles “Al” Huth If we give up the need for certainty, in terms of control and fixed answers, we are compensated by a different kind of certainty – a path to our full potential. The beauty of this approach lies within the nature of Oneness. All aspects of Oneself
Understanding Ourselves through Science
by Charles “Al” Huth The Physics of Human Behavior can be stated as these proven Principles: Everything is made of energy. Everything is connected by energy; therefore, everything interacts as one entity. There is an order of growth in everything from birth to maturity. Every set of circumstances is driven
The Soul’s Paradigm for Peace
by Charles “Al” Huth Do you yearn to live in a more peaceful world? Are there times when you feel powerless to help create a peaceful environment? I believe that if each of us consciously, or unconsciously, works from our soul-driven passions and unique talents, we would collectively and instinctively
Submitting Articles to the Lighthouse Site
The Articles section is dedicated to expanding our awareness and illuminating our true selves. It’s an opportunity to generate agreement or present different perspectives. Different viewpoints offer the possibility of developing a clear consensus regarding each individual and the community.
You are invited to submit your article, which will be evaluated in relation to its relevancy to our mission. If time, space, and relevance fit the site criteria, we’ll consider your article for publication here. Please use the Contact page for all submissions. Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you!